We are an active club and like to organise various activities for our members.  There is nothing more enjoyable or satisfying than watching our PC members have fun and continue to develop and achieve.

Berwick Pony Club is one of the five oldest Pony Clubs in Victoria, celebrating its 66th year in 2020. Our club is well supported by our parents and enjoys a friendly and supportive family environment. BPC is a friendly, dynamic, exciting, family-oriented club that caters to riders of all ages and all abilities. Our rally starts at 9.30 am followed by two-morning riding lessons, lunch, theory and a riding lesson in the afternoon finishing the day around 3.30 pm.

Our aim is to encourage young people to ride and to learn to enjoy all approved types of sport connected with horses and riding. To provide instruction in horsemanship and riding and to instill in the members the proper care of their animals. And to promote the highest ideals of sportsmanship, citizenship, and loyalty, thereby cultivating strength of character and self-discipline.

Berwick PC is run by a committee that meets once a month.  We also have a junior committee so our members can have a say in 'what we do' and 'how we do it'.

For all new membership enquiries, refer to the attached form or contact one of our committee members by clicking our 'Contact Us' section. 

Feel free to come and trial us on a rally day - just have a chat with one of the committees and we would be pleased to arrange it.  Also, have a read of our newsletters to see what is happening and what the club has been up to!


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Berwick Pony Club
Home Grounds: "The Meadows", 10 Smiths Lane Clyde North